Deb read an article in the newspaper recently about making maple syrup from the urban forest in Toronto. Inspired to try this in our own magic forest, we picked up supplies on our way up north for March break.
Identifying the appropriate tree was simple as most of the snow was gone and the dead leaves from last fall still surround each tree. We started with two buckets and will see how much sap we collect over a few days. As luck would have it the 15 degree high today happened to make it the perfect day for sap. Cool nights and warm days make for ideal conditions.
From what I've heard and read the process of filtering and cooking the sap is not as simple. The ratio is 40:1 so it will take 40 litres of sap to make one litre of syrup, I think an admirable goal would be to make enough for breakfast! If that proves successful we could with a bit more equipment ramp up production and we should then be able to produce a nice batch in years to come. We certainly have enough trees.
Stay tuned.....

As luck would have it seems MANY of our trees are Sugar Maple - or very similar as the photo above demonstrates.

Some of the gear we bought on our way up to the cottage at the Home Hardware in Lindsay. It must be a poplar past time in these parts as almost sold out of supplies.

Deb really seems to be loving this - or maybe this is just another sappy picture!

Where old world meets new! As with many new experiences these days it all starts with the internet and a quick Google search. This article outlines the steps and equipment necessary to tap trees and make the Maple Syrup. The cordless drill proved a fair bit easier than days past when a hand drill was the tool of choice for the job.

Getting everything together on this fine 15 degree March day!

Drilling ever so slightly upward into our selected tree. The sap started running before the drill was even out!

First drop from the spigot.

Matthew attaches the pail.

It works the sap is running.

Deb and bucket - evidently very excited about the prospect of pancakes with homemade syrup!

Our first sap bucket hung and already slowly filling.

Matthew takes a portrait of us with our first sap bucket!

Matt setting the second tap into tree.