I was sure it was a Bat that decided to pay us visit through the steel chimney pipe!
We heard it several times through the night shuffling inside the chimney, poor creature in that heat we didn't give it much time to survive! Then all went silent.
Last night we were astounded to hear the creature still alive after what had been the hottest July day since the record set back in the Fifties. It couldn't of been a very comfortable day spent in a HOT chimney pipe.
I was quite convinced it was a bat... maybe a small bird or at best a rather large dragonfly!
What I didn't realize was that my attempt to sweep the chimney yesterday had sent the creature scurrying into the firebox - a feat I didn't think possible given the structure of the thing!
The next morning, while waiting for everyone to wake I sat thinking of how to best tackle removing the creature.....
(of which I was sure was a Bat!) While sitting reading I saw out of the corner of my eye some motion inside the firebox, a little examination with a flashlight revealed that there was a small squirrel cowering in the corner of the firebox. I threw it a peanut which I was surpirsed to see eaten voraciously, even though it hadn't had anything to drink in at least 24hrs (the hottest on record).
We lay a trail of peanuts along the cottage floor leading to the front door. I knew the creature wouldn't stop to inspect the peanuts as it wildly dashes to figure out an escape, but it was a family endeavour so all ideas were fair play!
We opened the front door wide, closed all the bedroom doors and placed towels and sweaters along the floor to ensure it did't leave the room (except through the front door of course!) We placed a bowl of water down as enticement (like it will need any!)
Open the fireplace and... it has disappeared! Great now we have to open the stovepipe.
No creature, all quiet, then suddenly it appears from the top of the stove looking like a coyote is closing in!
It's a climber and up onto the walls it goes. We direct it along with a broom. Yes that's the way, no not under the fridge!! Great out the door and Fly off the deck into the woods...
Yes fly, for it's a Flying Squirrel - the first I've ever seen and it sure can leap far, even gracefully.